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Plant Cell Biology, 2/e

2N /E | Paperback
Oxford U.K · 2001년 08월 09일
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  • Plant Cell Biology, 2/e 대표 이미지
    Plant Cell Biology, 2/e 대표 이미지
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    사이즈 비교
    Plant Cell Biology, 2/e 사이즈 비교 187x245
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  • List of protocols xv
    Abbreviations xix
    Introduction to optical microscopy for plant 1 (34)
    cell biology
    P.J. Shaw
    Introduction 1 (3)
    Explanation of terms 4 (3)
    Recording images 7 (3)
    Image resolution 7 (1)
    Film recording 8 (1)
    Electronic cameras 9 (1)
    Microscope imaging modes 10 (9)
    Bright field imaging 10 (2)
    Phase contrast 12 (2)
    Differential interference contrast 14 (2)
    Dark field 16 (1)
    Epifluorescence and reflected light 17 (2)
    Confocal and 3D microscopy 19 (8)
    The problem of out-of-focus light 19 (1)
    The confocal principle: explanation by 20 (1)
    ray optics
    Practical confocal microscopes 21 (2)
    Imaging and the point spread function 23 (1)
    Deconvolution 24 (2)
    Two photon imaging 26 (1)
    Comparison of conventional, wide-field 27 (3)
    fluorescence imaging with confocal
    fluorescence imaging
    Noise and resolution 27 (2)
    When should confocal microscopy be used? 29 (1)
    Objective lenses for confocal imaging 30 (1)
    Specimen preparation for confocal imaging 30 (5)
    References 33 (2)
    Fluorescent probes for living plant cells 35 (50)
    Mark Fricker
    Andrew Parsons
    Monika Tlalka
    Elison Blancaflor
    Simon Gilroy
    Andreas Meyer
    Christoph Plieth
    Introduction 35 (1)
    Selecting probes with high brightness 35 (3)
    Spectral considerations 37 (1)
    Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy 38 (1)
    Fluorescence polarization anisotropy 38 (1)
    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer 38 (1)
    Photobleaching and fluorescence 39 (1)
    redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP)
    Optimization of fluorescent systems for 40 (3)
    live cell imaging
    Selection of the excitation wavelength 41 (1)
    The dichroic mirror 41 (1)
    Selection of the emission wavelength 41 (1)
    Choice of measurement system 42 (1)
    Securing the specimen for microscopy 43 (2)
    Perfusion systems 45 (1)
    Loading strategies for plant cells 46 (7)
    Extracellular and permeant intracellular 46 (1)
    Ester loading 47 (1)
    Low pH loading 48 (1)
    Cutinase pre-treatment and low pH loading 49 (1)
    Electroporation 50 (1)
    Loading via detergent permeabilization 50 (1)
    Loading tissues with phloem-mobile probes 50 (3)
    Intracellular dye concentrations, 53 (1)
    viability, and toxicity
    Selection and use of fluorescent probes 54 (12)
    Vital stains 55 (1)
    Mortal stains 56 (1)
    Cell permeant nuclear stains 57 (1)
    Chloroplasts 57 (1)
    Mitochondria 58 (2)
    Vacuoles 60 (2)
    Endoplasmic reticulum 62 (1)
    Golgi 62 (1)
    Cytoskeleton 63 (1)
    The plasma membrane and endocytosis 64 (1)
    The cell wall 65 (1)
    Physiological probes 66 (12)
    Calcium 66 (6)
    Measurement of apoplastic, cytoplasmic, 72 (4)
    and vacuolar pH
    Potassium 76 (1)
    Aluminium 76 (1)
    Measurement of cytoplasmic glutathione 77 (1)
    Reactive oxygen species 77 (1)
    Data analysis 78 (7)
    Attenuation correction for optical 80 (1)
    sections deep into tissues
    Acknowledgements 81 (1)
    References 81 (4)
    Flow cytometry 85 (22)
    Teodoro Coba de la Pena
    Spencer Brown
    Introduction 85 (1)
    Cytometry demonstrated through cell cycle 86 (13)
    How to understand monoparametric DNA 87 (3)
    Developing multiparametric DNA histograms 90 (1)
    and immunofluorescence
    Extracting intact plant nuclei 91 (3)
    Which DNA fluorochrome is appropriate? 94 (1)
    Running and reading the cytometer 94 (1)
    BrdU incorporation to identify DNA 95 (4)
    synthesis by fluorescence quenching
    The particular application of genome size 99 (2)
    calculation and `DNA ploidy'
    Terminology 99 (1)
    Internal or external standards 99 (1)
    Calculating base composition 100(1)
    Sorting of protoplasts and cellular 101(3)
    Tests for cell viability during functional 104(1)
    Conclusion 104(3)
    Acknowledgements 104(1)
    References 105(2)
    Transient expression, a tool to address 107(20)
    questions in plant cell biology
    Jane L. Hadlington
    Jurgen Denecke
    Introduction 107(1)
    Current methods of transient expression 108(1)
    Naked DNA transfer 108(1)
    Biological vectors 108(1)
    Application of transient expression 109(2)
    Promoter analysis 109(1)
    Cell biology and biochemistry 110(1)
    Practical considerations for cell biologists 111(13)
    Naked DNA transfer 112(4)
    Measurement of protein secretion and cell 116(2)
    Large scale transient expression for cell 118(4)
    Specialized applications 122(2)
    Conclusions 124(3)
    References 124(3)
    The green fluorescent protein (GFP) as 127(16)
    reporter in plant cells
    Jean-Marc Neuhaus
    Petra Boevink
    Introduction 127(1)
    The green fluorescent protein 127(1)
    Structure 127(1)
    GFP variants 128(1)
    GFP as a reporter for gene expression 128(1)
    GFP as a reporter for protein location 129(2)
    Cytoplasm and nucleus 129(1)
    Chloroplasts and mitochondria 130(1)
    Secretory pathway 130(1)
    Viral proteins 131(1)
    Transformation methods 131(9)
    PEG-mediated transient expression in 131(3)
    Agrobacterium-mediated transient 134(2)
    expression in planta
    Virus-mediated transient expression 136(4)
    Visualization and microscopy of GFP 140(1)
    Future perspectives 141(2)
    References 141(2)
    Microinjection 143(16)
    Michael Knoblauch
    Introduction 143(1)
    Equipment 143(3)
    Environment and injection-table 143(1)
    Microscope 144(1)
    Objectives 144(1)
    Glass capillaries 145(1)
    Tip puller 145(1)
    Micromanipulator 146(1)
    Injection techniques 146(3)
    Iontophoresis 146(1)
    Pressure injection 146(1)
    The galinstan expansion femtosyringe (GEF) 147(2)
    Cell types 149(5)
    Epidermal cells 149(1)
    Guard cells and trichomes 150(1)
    Mesophyll cells 150(1)
    Ground parenchyma cells 151(1)
    Sieve elements and companion cells 151(1)
    Algae 152(1)
    Bacteria and organelles 153(1)
    Plant tissue cultures 153(1)
    Material suitable for injection 154(1)
    Fluorochromes 154(1)
    Dextran conjugates 154(1)
    Proteins and antibodies 155(1)
    Nucleic acids 155(1)
    Tips to make life easier 155(4)
    The chuck 155(1)
    Syringe to delete air bubbles 156(1)
    Flexible fused silica capillaries 156(1)
    Petri dishes 157(1)
    References 157(2)
    Micromanipulation by laser microbeam and 159(12)
    optical tweezers
    Karl Otto Greulich
    Introduction 159(1)
    What are laser microtools? 159(1)
    Physical background 160(1)
    Generating extreme heat 160(1)
    Why can light be used to move microscopic 160(1)
    How to build laser microtools 161(2)
    The choice of lasers 161(1)
    Building a laser microbeam or optical 162(1)
    Applications of laser microbeams in plant 163(3)
    Laser-induced microinjection 163(1)
    Ablation to study cell fate during plant 164(1)
    Protoplast fusion 165(1)
    Preparation of cell membranes from root 165(1)
    Applications of optical tweezers to plant 166(2)
    Capturing subcellular organelles for 166(1)
    Simulating microgravity 167(1)
    Conclusion 168(3)
    References 168(3)
    Electrophysiological methods: monitoring exo- 171(18)
    and endocytosis in real time
    Gerhard Thiel
    Jens-Uwe Sutter
    Ulrike Homann
    Introduction 171(1)
    Theoretical background 171(1)
    The membrane is equivalent to a capacitor 171(1)
    A cell as an equivalent circuit 172(1)
    Techniques for the measurement of membrane 172(3)
    Square-wave stimulation: time-domain 173(1)
    Saw-tooth stimulation 174(1)
    Capacitance cancellation 174(1)
    Sinusoidal excitation 174(1)
    Capacitance measurements as an assay for 175(14)
    exo- and endocytosis: practical
    What kind of cells can be examined? 176(1)
    Estimation of the specific capacitance 176(1)
    Recording of single fusion and fission 176(3)
    What kind of information can be extracted 179(2)
    from the measurements?
    Macroscopic measurement of membrane 181(5)
    Acknowledgements 186(1)
    References 187(2)
    Plant histology 189(18)
    Jackie Spence
    Introduction 189(1)
    Conventional chemical fixation methods 189(2)
    Conventional embedding methods and 191(4)
    Embedding in a matrix 192(2)
    Frozen sections 194(1)
    Conventional staining methods 195(12)
    General tissue stains 195(2)
    Cell wall stains 197(3)
    Carbohydrate and starch stains 200(1)
    Lipid stains 201(1)
    Nucleic and stains 202(1)
    Miscellaneous staining methods 203(3)
    References 206(1)
    Immunocytochemistry for light microscopy 207(28)
    Beatrice Satiat-Jeunemaitre
    Chris Hawes
    Introduction 207(1)
    Principles and use of immunocytochemistry 208(7)
    Direct and indirect immunostaining 208(1)
    The antibody-antigen complex 208(1)
    Whole molecules or fragments 209(2)
    Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies 211(3)
    When to perform in situ immunoreaction 214(1)
    Antibodies to epitope tags 215(1)
    Basic methods for immunostaining 215(16)
    Preparing plant material 216(4)
    Attaching material to slides and 220(1)
    Accessing epitopes in cells 220(10)
    Counterstaining and mounting 230(1)
    Interpreting the immunostaining pattern 230(1)
    Multiple staining 231(1)
    Multiple immunostaining 231(1)
    Combining immunostaining with othe


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780199638659
발행(출시)일자 2001년 08월 09일
쪽수 364쪽
187 * 245 * 20 mm / 776 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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기분 좋은 발견

이 책의 해외주문가능한 도서

Plant Cell Biology Hawes, C. R. (Edt)/ Satiat-Jeunemaitre, Beatrice (

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이 분야의 신간