Introductory Statistical Mechanics
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저자(글) Bowley, Roger
Roger Bowley, Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, and Mariana Sanchez
- The first law of thermodynamics 1 (25)
Fundamental definitions 1 (3)
Thermometers 4 (3)
Different aspects of equilibrium 7 (2)
Mechanical equilibrium 7 (1)
Thermal equilibrium 7 (1)
Chemical equilibrium 8 (1)
Functions of state 9 (4)
Internal energy 13 (3)
Reversible changes 16 (3)
Enthalpy 19 (1)
Heat capacities 20 (2)
Reversible adiabatic changes in an ideal gas 22 (1)
Problems 23 (2)
Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics 25 (27)
A first look at the entropy 25 (2)
The second law of thermodynamics 27 (1)
The Carnot cycle 28 (5)
The equivalence of the absolute and the 33 (1)
perfect gas scale of temperature
Definition of entropy 34 (4)
Measuring the entropy 38 (4)
The law of increase of entropy 42 (2)
Calculations of the increase in the entropy 44 (2)
in irreversible processes
Two systems at different temperatures 44 (1)
Extending a spring 45 (1)
Expanding a gas into a vacuum 46 (1)
The approach to equilibrium 46 (2)
Questions left unanswered 48 (1)
Problems 48 (4)
Probability and statistics 52 (15)
Ideas about probability 52 (1)
Classical probability 53 (1)
Statistical probability 54 (2)
The axioms of probability theory 56 (1)
Independent Events 57 (1)
Counting the number of events 58 (2)
Arrangements 58 (1)
Permutations of r objects from n 59 (1)
Combinations of r objects from n 59 (1)
Statistics and distributions 60 (4)
Problems 64 (3)
The ideas of statistical mechanics 67 (24)
Introduction 67 (4)
Definition of the quantum state of the 71 (2)
A simple model of spins on lattice sites 73 (2)
Equations of state 75 (6)
Spin system 75 (2)
Vacancies in a crystal 77 (1)
A model for a rubber band 78 (3)
The second law of thermodynamics 81 (5)
Logical positivism 86 (2)
Problems 88 (3)
The canonical ensemble 91 (37)
A system in contact with a heat bath 91 (2)
The partition function 93 (1)
Definition of the entropy in the canonical 94 (2)
The bridge to thermodynamics through Z 96 (1)
The condition for thermal equilibrium 97 (1)
Thermodynamic quantities from ln(Z) 98 (2)
Two-level system 100(1)
Single particle in a one-dimensional box 101(3)
Single particle in a three-dimensional box 104(2)
Expressions for heat and work 106(4)
Rotational energy levels for diatomic 110(2)
Vibrational energy levels for diatomic 112(2)
Factorizing the partition function 114(2)
Equipartition theorem 116(5)
Minimizing the free energy 121(2)
Minimizing the Helmholtz free energy 121(1)
Minimizing the Gibbs free energy 122(1)
Problems 123(5)
Identical particles 128(16)
Identical particles 129(1)
Symmetric and antisymmetric wavefunctions 129(2)
Bose particles or bosons 131(1)
Fermi particles or fermions 132(2)
Calculating the partition function for 134(4)
identical particles
Bosons 134(1)
Fermions 134(1)
A large number of energy levels 135(3)
Spin 138(1)
Identical particles localized on lattice 139(1)
Identical particles in a molecule 140(2)
Problems 142(2)
Maxwell distribution of molecular speeds 144(16)
The probability that a particle is in a 144(2)
quantum state
Density of states in k space 146(4)
Single-particle density of states in energy 150(1)
The distribution of speeds of particles in 151(3)
a classical gas
Molecular beams 154(4)
Problems 158(2)
Planck's distribution 160(28)
Black-body radiation 160(5)
The Rayleigh-Jeans theory 165(2)
Planck's distribution 167(3)
Waves as particles 170(2)
Derivation of the Planck distribution 172(3)
The free energy 175(1)
Einstein's model of vibrations in a solid 176(2)
Debye's model of vibrations in a solid 178(4)
Solid and vapour in equilibrium 182(1)
Cosmic background radiation 183(2)
Problems 185(3)
Systems with variable numbers of particles 188(22)
Systems with variable number of particles 188(3)
The condition for chemical equilibrium 191(2)
The approach to chemical equilibrium 193(1)
The chemical potential 193(5)
Method of measuring 193(2)
Methods of calculating 195(3)
Reactions 198(3)
External chemical potential 201(1)
The grand canonical ensemble 202(3)
Absorption of atoms on surface sites 205(1)
The grand potential 205(2)
Problems 207(3)
Fermi and Bose particles 210(26)
Introduction 210(2)
The statistical mechanics of identical 212(3)
Fermi particle 212(2)
Bose particle 214(1)
The thermodynamic properties of a Fermi gas 215(7)
High-temperature region 217(1)
Properties at the absolute zero 218(2)
Thermal properties of a Fermi gas at low 220(2)
Examples of Fermi systems 222(7)
Dilute 3He solutions in superfluid 4He 222(2)
Electrons in metals 224(2)
Electrons in stars 226(1)
Electrons in white dwarf stars 226(3)
A non-interacting Bose gas 229(4)
Problems 233(3)
Phase transitions 236(19)
Phases 236(1)
Thermodynamic potential 237(2)
Approximation 239(2)
First-order phase transition 241(2)
Clapeyron equation 243(2)
Phase separation 245(3)
Phase separation in mixtures 248(3)
Liquid-gas system 251(2)
Problems 253(2)
Continuous phase transitions 255(17)
Introduction 255(1)
Ising model 256(3)
Mean field theory 257(2)
Order parameter 259(3)
Landau theory 262(4)
Case I: b > 0, second-order transition 263(2)
Case II: b < 0, first-order transition 265(1)
Symmetry-breaking field 266(1)
Critical exponents 267(2)
Problems 269(3)
Ginzburg-Landau theory 272(17)
Ginzburg-Landau theory 272(2)
Ginzburg criterion 274(2)
Surface tension 276(1)
Nucleation of droplets 277(2)
Superfluidity 279(1)
Order parameter 280(3)
Circulation 283(1)
Vortices 284(1)
Charged superfluids 285(1)
Quantization of flux 286(1)
Problems 287(2)
A Thermodynamics in a magnetic field 289(3)
B Useful integrals 292(4)
C The quantum treatment of a diatomic molecule 296(3)
D Travelling waves 299(3)
D.1 Travelling waves in one dimension 299(1)
D.2 Travelling waves in three dimensions 300(2)
E Partial differentials and thermodynamics 302(5)
E.1 Mathematical relations 302(1)
E.2 Maxwell relations 303(1)
E.3 T dS relations 304(1)
E.4 Extensive quantities 305(2)
F Van der Waals equation 307(5)
G Answers to problems 312(29)
H Physical constants 341(1)
Bibliography 342(5)
Index 347
ISBN | 9780198505761 ( 0198505760 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2000년 01월 20일 |
쪽수 | 352쪽 |
크기 |
171 * 239
* 20
/ 653 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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