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The Age of Alexander

Revised /E | Paperback
Penguin Group · 2012년 05월 29일
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Plutarch's parallel biographies of the great men in Greek and Roman history are cornerstones of European literature. This selection provides intimate glimpses into the lives of these men, depicting, as he put it, 'those actions which illuminate the workings of the soul'.
Plutarch(AD c. 50-120) was a Greek writer and thinker. Ian Scott-Kilverttranslated the Penguin Classics editions of Plutarch's Makers of Rome, The Rise and Fall of Athens, and Nine Greek Lives. He died in 1989. Timothy E. Duffis a reader in classics at the University of Reading and has published extensively on Plutarch.
Plutarch (c.50-c.120 AD) was a writer and thinker born into a wealthy, established family of Chaeronea in central Greece. He received the best possible education in rhetoric and philosophy, and traveled to Asia Minor and Egypt. Later, a series of visits to Rome and Italy contributed to his fame, which was given official recognition by the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. Plutarch rendered conscientious service to his province and city (where he continued to live), as well as holding a priesthood at nearby Delphi. His voluminous surviving writings are broadly divided into the 'moral' works and the Parallel Lives of outstanding Greek and Roman leaders. The former ( Moralia) are a mixture of rhetorical and antiquarian pieces, together with technical and moral philosophy (sometimes in dialogue form). The Lives have been influential from the Renaissance onwards.
PLUTARCH (c. AD 45-120), the Greek philosopher, lived at the height of the Roman Empire and is author of one of the largest and collections of writings to have survived from Classical antiquity. His work is traditionally divided into two: the Moralia, which include a vast range of philosophical, scientific, moral and rhetorical works, and the Lives or biographies. Almost fifty such biographies survive, most from his collection of Parallel Lives, in which biographies of Greek and Roman statesmen are arranged in pairs. IAN SCOTT-KILVERT was Director of English Literature at the British Council and Editor of Writers and the Works. He also translated Cassius Dio's The Roman History as well as Plutarch's The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives and Makers of Rome for Penguin Classics. He died in 1989. TIMOTHY E. DUFF is Reader in Classics at the University of Reading. He is author of Plutarch's Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice (Oxford 1999), and the Greek and Roman Historians (Duckworth 2003) and has published extensively on Plutarch.
Artaxerxes / Pelopidas / Dion / Timoleon / Demosthenes / Phocion / Alexander / Eumenes / Demetrius / Pyrrhus 'It is my task to dwell upon those details which illuminate the workings of the soul'The Parallel Lives of Plutarch are cornerstones of Western literature, and have exerted a profound influence on writers and statesmen since the Renaissance, most notably Shakespeare. This selection of ten biographies spans the period from the start of the fourth century BC to the early third, and covers some of the most important figures in Greek history, such as the orator Demosthenes and Alexander the Great, as well as lesser known figures such as Plato's pupil Dion of Syracuse. Each Life is an important work of literature in itself, but taken together they provide a vivid picture of the Greek world during a period that saw the collapse of Spartan power, the rise of Macedonia, the conquests of Alexander and the wars of his successors.Timothy Duff's revised version of Ian Scott-Kilvert's translations is accompanied by a new general introduction, and introductions and notes to each Life. He has also added two Lives previously not included: Artaxerxes I, Great King of Persia from 405 to 359 BC, and Eumenes of Cardia, one of Alexander's officers.Translated by Ian Scott-Kilvert and Timothy E. DuffWith an introduction and notes by Timothy E. Duff
Plutarch's influential writings on the ancient world. Plutarch's parallel biographies of the great men in Greek and Roman history are cornerstones of European literature, drawn on by countless writers since the Renaissance. This selection provides intimate glimpses into the lives of these men, revealing why the mild Artaxerxes forced the killer of his usurping brother to undergo the horrific "death of two boats"; why the noble Dion repeatedly risked his life for the ungrateful mobs of Syracuse; why Demosthenes delivered a funeral oration for the soldiers he had deserted in battle; and why Alexander self-destructed after conquering half the world.
Plutarch?? parallel biographies of the great men in Greek and Roman history are cornerstones of European literature, drawn on by writers and statesmen since the Renaissance, most notably by Shakespeare. This selection provides intimate glimpses into the lives of these men, depicting, as he put it, ??hose actions which illuminate the workings of the soul?? We learn why the mild Artaxerxes forced the killer of his usurping brother to undergo the horrific ??eath of two boats?? why the noble Dion repeatedly risked his life for the ungrateful mobs of Syracuse; why Demosthenes delivered a funeral oration for the soldiers he had deserted in batt??and why Alexander, the most enigmatic of tyrants, self-destructed after conquering half the world.
The Parallel Lives of Plutarch are cornerstones of Western literature, and have exerted a profound influence on writers and statesmen since the Renaissance, most notably Shakespeare. This selection of ten biographies spans the period from the start of the fourth century BC to the early third, and covers some of the most important figures in Greek history, such as the orator Demosthenes and Alexander the Great, as well as lesser known figures such as Plato's pupil Dion of Syracuse. Each Life is an important work of literature in itself, but taken together they provide a vivid picture of the Greek world during a period that saw the collapse of Spartan power, the rise of Macedonia, the conquests of Alexander and the wars of his successors.Timothy Duff's revised version of Ian Scott-Kilvert's translations is accompanied by a new general introduction, and introductions and notes to each Life. He has also added two Lives previously not included: Artaxerxes I, Great King of Persia from 405 to 359 BC, and Eumenes of Cardia, one of Alexander's officers.
'Wisdom and justice must be accompanied by power and good fortune if a man's actions are to be seen as noble as well as great' Plutarch's parallel biographies of the great men in Greek and Roman history are cornerstones of European Literature, drawn on by writers and statesmen since the Renaissance, most notably by Shakespeare. This selection provides intimate glimpses into the lives of these men, depicting, as he put it, 'those actions which illuminate the workings of the soul'. We learn why the mild Artaxerxes forced the killer of his usurping brother to undergo the horrific 'death of two boats'; why the noble Dion repeatedly risked his life for the ungrateful mobs of Syracuse; why Demosthenes delivered a funeral oration for the soldiers he had deserted in batt??and why Alexander, the most enigmatic of tyrants, self-destructed after conquering half the world.Timothy Duff's new edition of Ian Scott-Kilvert's translation includes a general introduction and new introductions and biographical additions to each Life. He has also added two Lives previously not included, of Artaxerxes (450 - 359 BC), the Great King of Persia, and Eumenes (361 - 316 BC), one of Alexander's gifted generals.Translated by IAN SCOTT-KILVERTWith an introduction and notes by TIMOTHY E. DUFF
'Wisdom and justice must be accompanied by power and good fortune if a man's actions are to be seen as noble as well as great' Plutarch's parallel biographies of the great men in Greek and Roman history are cornerstones of European Literature, drawn on by writers and statesmen since the Renaissance, most notably by Shakespeare. This selection provides intimate glimpses into the lives of these men, depicting, As he put it, 'those actions which illuminate the workings of the soul'. We learn why the mild Artaxerxes forced the killer of his usurping brother to undergo the horrific 'death of two boats'; why the noble Dion repeatedly risked his life For The ungrateful mobs of Syracuse; why Demosthenes delivered a funeral oration For The soldiers he had deserted in batt??and why Alexander, The most enigmatic of tyrants, self-destructed after conquering half the world.Timothy Duff's new edition of Ian Scott-Kilvert's translation includes a general introduction and new introductions and biographical additions to each Life. He has also added two Lives previously not included, Of Artaxerxes (450 - 359 BC), The Great King of Persia, and Eumenes (361 - 316 BC), one of Alexander's gifted generals.Translated by IAN SCOTT-KILVERTWith an introduction and notes by TIMOTHY E. DUFF
'Wisdom and justice must be accompanied by power and good fortune if a man's actions are to be seen as noble as well as great' Plutarch's parallel biographies of the great men in Greek and Roman history are cornerstones of European Literature, drawn on by writers and statesmen since the Renaissance, most notably by Shakespeare. This selection provides intimate glimpses into the lives of these men, depicting, as he put it, 'those actions which illuminate the workings of the soul'. We learn why the mild Artaxerxes forced the killer of his usurping brother to undergo the horrific 'death of two boats'; why the noble Dion repeatedly risked his life for the ungrateful mobs of Syracuse; why Demosthenes delivered a funeral oration for the soldiers he had deserted in battle; and why Alexander, the most enigmatic of tyrants, self-destructed after conquering half the world.Timothy Duff's new edition of Ian Scott-Kilvert's translation includes a general introduction and new introductions and biographical additions to each Life. He has also added two Lives previously not included, of Artaxerxes (450 - 359 BC), the Great King of Persia, and Eumenes (361 - 316 BC), one of Alexander's gifted generals.Translated by IAN SCOTT-KILVERTWith an introduction and notes by TIMOTHY E. DUFF


저자(글) Plutarch

고대 그리스 말기의 문인. 보이오티아 카이로네이아 출생. 젊은 시절 아테네에서 플라톤주의자 암모니우스에게 수학과 수사학 등을 배웠다. 이집트와 로마 등지를 여행하였고, 로마의 명사 및 황실과도 친근하게 되었으나 거의 고향에 머물면서 시정(市政)에 힘썼다. 아테네의 명예시민, 아카이아주의 지사(知事)가 되었으며, 만년에는 엘포이의 신관과 가깝게 지내면서 신탁의 부흥에도 힘썼다. 광범위한 저작 활동으로 227종의 저서가 있었다고 한다. 「모랄리아」는 약 70편의 수필집이며,「영웅전」은 그리스와 로마의 유사한 영웅 23쌍의 대비열전과 4편의 단독 전기를 합친 것으로서 문학 면에서는 물론 고대사의 사료로서도 중요한 전기 저작이다. 인간미가 풍부했던 그는 있는 그대로의 사실을 남김없이 작품 속에 담았고, 사소한 부분도 표현하여 인물의 면목을 잘 드러냈다. 이리하여 「모랄리아」는 옛 수필의 원조가 되었고, 유명한 노드의 영역「플루타크의 생애」가 나와 후세에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다.

저자(글) Duff, Timothy E.

저자(글) Duff, Timothy E.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780140449358 ( 0140449353 )
발행(출시)일자 2012년 05월 29일
쪽수 625쪽
127 * 196 * 33 mm / 454 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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