Easy French Step-by-Step
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- 서양도서 > 프랑스도서 > 프랑스어 > 프랑스어 학습서
- 서양도서 > 인문/사회 > 언어학 > 영어교수법/학습방법
- 서양도서 > ELT/수험서 > ELT > 회화
- 서양도서 > ELT/수험서 > ELT > 제2외국어 > 프랑스어
Easy French Step-by-Step proves that a solid grounding in grammar basics is the key to mastering a second language. You are quickly introduced to grammatical rules and concepts in
order of importance, which you can build on as you progress through the book. You will also learn more than 300 verbs, chosen by their frequency of use. Numerous exercises and engaging
readings help you quickly build your speaking and comprehension prowess.
저자(글) Rochester, Myrna Bell
Myrna Bell Rochester is a textbook author and editor. She has taught at UCLA and at Stanford University.
- Preface xi
I. First Elements of French
1. Nouns, Articles, and Descriptive Adjectives
Gender and Number of Nouns and Articles The Definite Article Masculine Nouns Feminine Nouns Masculine and Feminine Articles Before a Vowel Sound or Mute h Singular Nouns and the Definite Article Learning the Gender of Nouns The Indefinite Article Masculine Nouns Feminine Nouns Plural Nouns Pronouncing the Plural Descriptive Adjectives Agreement of Adjectives in Gender and Number Adjectives of Color Adjectives That Precede the Noun Key Vocabulary Les adjectifs descriptifs (Descriptive Adjectives)
Les cou/eurs (Colors)
Key Vocabulary Les nationalities (Nationanlities)
2. The Verbs etre and avoir, Subject Pronouns, and Negation
The Verbs The Verbs etre (to be) and avoir (to have)
Etre and Subject Pronouns Subject Pronouns Uses of Etre Expressions with Etre Key Vocabulary
Conjonctions. quafificatifs. et adverbes
(Conjunctions, Qualifiers, and Adverbs)
Negation with ne ... pas The Verb avoir (to have)
Ne ..? pas de ... with avoir If y a ... (There is ... , There are ... )
Expressions with avoir Key Vocabulary La maison (The House)
Reading Comprehension: La maison de Jean-Pierre
3.Days and Months, Regular -er Vel"bs in the Pl"eSent Tense, and Interrogatives
Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons
Les jours de la semaine
(Days of the Week)
Les mois de I'annee
(Months of the Year
Les saisons
Les parties du jour
(Parts of the Day)
Regular Verbs in the Present Tense Conjugating Regular -er Verbs Uses of the Present Tense Interrogatives and Interrogative Words Yes/No Questions Information Questions Key Vocabulary
Noms mascu/ins
(Masculine Nouns)
Noms feminins
(Feminine Noun~)
(Conjunctions) Reading Comprehension:
Une petite ville en province
4 Numbers, Dates, and Time and Regular -ir Verbs in the Present Tense
Cardinal Numbers Numbers from 0 to 99
Numbers from 100
Ordinal Numbers The Date and the Year Telling Time Regular -if Verbs in the Present Tense Key Vocabulary
Les magas;ns et les commerces
(Stores and Businesses)
Key Vocabulary
Les repas et Jes provisions
(Meals and Groceries)
Reading Comprehension:
Au restaurant
Myrna Bell Rochester is a textbook author and editor. She has taught at UCLA and at Stanford University.
ISBN | 9780071453875 ( 0071453873 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2008년 11월 01일 |
쪽수 | 400쪽 |
크기 |
191 * 232
* 22
/ 612 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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