The Hard Thing about Hard Things
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While many people talk about how great it is to start a business, very few are honest about how difficult it is to run one. Ben Horowitz analyzes the problems that confront leaders every day, sharing the insights he's gained developing, managing, selling, buying, investing in, and supervising technology companies. A lifelong rap fanatic, he amplifies business lessons with lyrics from his favorite songs, telling it straight about everything from firing friends to poaching competitors, cultivating and sustaining a CEO mentality to knowing the right time to cash in.
Filled with his trademark humor and straight talk, The Hard Thing About Hard Things is invaluable for veteran entrepreneurs as well as those aspiring to their own new ventures, drawing from Horowitz's personal and often humbling experiences.
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a16z 공동창업자이자 실리콘밸리의 구루, 벤 호로위츠가 말하는 경영 전략의 모든 것
· 마크 저커버그, 래리 페이지, 딕 코스톨로, 피터 틸, 사티야 나델라 추천
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· 아마존 2,947명의 평가(평점 4,7점/1,610개 리뷰), 굿리즈 62,164명의 평가(평점 4,24/3,001개 리뷰)
2021년 화제의 주인공 ‘클럽하우스’에 투자를 주도한 회사 앤드리슨호로위츠(a16z) 공동창업자이자, 휴렛패커드에 16억 달러라는 천문학적 금액으로 회사를 매각한 CEO가 있다. 바로 벤 호로위츠다. 성공한 창업가와 유명 투자자라는 화려한 모습이 부각되지만, 그 뒤에는 상상 못할 ‘피 땀 눈물’과 롤러코스터 같은 우여곡절이 있었다. 그는 《하드씽》에서 창업과 파산 위기, 화려한 재기와 성공적인 매각, 그리고 새로운 창업까지, 자신이 헤쳐온 악전고투의 과정을 생생하게 풀어놓는다.
“이 책에 공식 같은 건 없다.” 그는 단호하게 말한다. 무슨 얘긴가 싶지만, 그의 말을 따라가다 보면 이내 고개를 끄덕이게 된다. 오랫동안 함께한 직원을 해고해야 할 때, 사내정치 문제가 심각해졌을 때, 파산을 막을 투자가 절실할 때, 회사를 팔아야 하는지 고민될 때…. 여기에 정답이 있을 리 만무하다. 경제경영서에서 흔히 말하는 성공 공식으로 해결할 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없다. 저자는 이것들이 진정으로 어려운 ‘경영의 난제’이며, 리더라면 반드시 이와 같은 문제에 직면하는 순간을 맞이한다고 말한다. 그리고 자신의 경험을 토대로 정답 없는 문제를 풀어가기 위한 ‘최선의 한 수’를 제시한다.
2014년 한국에 처음 출간되었다가 미국을 비롯한 영미권에서 얻은 폭발적인 반응에 비해 한국에서는 주목을 받지 못해 절판되었지만, 창업자는 물론 조직의 관리자에게 교과서로 여겨질 만큼 숨은 명작으로 꾸준히 회자되어왔다. 피터 틸·마크 저커버그·래리 페이지를 비롯한 수많은 경영자의 극찬을 받았으며, 한국에서는 퍼블리 대표 박소령이 여러 차례 추천하고 전 국회의원 홍정욱이 최근 자신의 SNS에 추천하기도 했다.
저자(글) Horowitz, Ben
Ben Horowitz is the cofounder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm that invests in entrepreneurs building the next generation of leading technology companies. The firm's investments include Airbnb, GitHub, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Previously he was cofounder and CEO of Opsware, formerly Loudcloud, which was acquired by Hewlett-Packard for $1.6 billion in 2007. Horowitz writes about his experiences and insights from his career as a computer science student, software engineer, cofounder, CEO, and investor in a blog that is read by nearly ten million people. He has also been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Fortune, the Economist, and Bloomberg Businessweek, among others. Horowitz lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Felicia.
- Introduction -- Chapter 1. From Communist to Venture Capitalist -- Chapter 2. I Will Survive -- Chapter 3. This Time with Feeling -- Chapter 4. When Things Fall Apart -- The Struggle -- CEOs Should Tell It Like It Is -- The Right Way to Lay People Off -- Preparing to Fire an Executive -- Demoting a Loyal Friend -- Lies That Losers Tell -- Lead Bullets -- Nobody Cares -- Chapter 5. Take Care of the People, the Products, and the Profits-In that Order -- A Good Place to Work -- Why Startups Should Train Their People -- Is It Okay to Hire People from Your Friend's Company? -- Why It's. Hard to Bring Big Company Execs into Little Companies -- Hiring Executives: If You've Never Done the Job, How Do You Hire Somebody Good? -- When Employees Misinterpret Managers -- Management Debt -- Management Quality Assurance -- Chapter 6. Concerning the Going Concern -- How to Minimize Politics in Your Company -- The Right Kind of Ambition -- Titles and Promotions -- When Smart People Are Bad Employees -- Old People -- One-on-One -- Programming Your Culture -- Taking the Mystery Out of Scaling a Company -- The Scale Anticipation Fallacy -- Chapter 7. How to Lead Even When You Don't Know Where You are Going -- The Most Difficult CEO Skill -- The Fine Line Between Fear and Courage -- Ones and Twos -- Follow the Leader -- Peacetime CEO/Wartime CEO -- Making Yourself a CEO -- How to Evaluate CEOs -- Chapter 8. First Rule of Entrepreneurship: There are No Rules -- Solving the Accountability vs. Creativity Paradox -- The Freaky Friday Management Technique -- Staying Great -- Should You Sell Your Company? -- Chapter 9. The End of the Beginning -- Appendix: Questions for Head of Enterprise Sales Force -- Acknowledgments -- Credits.
출판사 서평
“More than any other business book released this year, “Hard Things” gives an insider’s perspective on what it’s like to lead and scale a startup.” — --Business Insider's Best Business Books of 2014
“This is easily one of the essential books every business leader should read if they’re looking for proven and honest management advice.” — --Entrepreneur's 25 Amazing Business Books from 2014
“The most valuable book on startup management hands down” — PandoDaily
“There is more than enough substance in Mr. Horowitz’s impressive tome to turn it into a leadership classic.” — The Economist
ISBN | 9780062273208 ( 0062273205 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2014년 03월 04일 |
쪽수 | 320쪽 |
크기 |
150 * 210
* 22
/ 644 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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