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오늘(3/26,수) 도착
- 당일배송
오늘(3/26,수) 도착
- 3Merriam-Webster · Merriam-Webster Inc. · 2022.10.25
A revised and updated edition of the best-selling dictionary covering core vocabulary with over a hundred new entries and senses. More than 75,000 definitions and 8,000 usage examples aid understanding―and cover the words you need today Includes pronunciations, word origins, and synonym lists Features useful tables and special sections on Foreign Words & Phrases and Geographical Names New words include: athleisure, coronavirus, escape room, First Gentleman, herd immunity, hygge, on-brand, outro, patient zero, petrichor, PPE, telehealth, unmute, UX, and YouTuber.
3/28(금) 도착
- 4Corbeil, Jean Claude (Editor) · Merriam-Webster · 2012.10.01
Nearly 25,000 terms with dictionary-scale definitions. *More than 8,000 highly detailed, full-color illustrations, organized by subject in specialized fields from all aspects of life. *Many illustrations have been redrawn to modernize their design, such as for TV and medical equipment, while other illustrations for new technologies, such as touch screen smartphones, have been added. Includes more than 2,000 new illustrations *Nearly 25,000 up-to-date technical and everyday terms with clear, concise definitions edited by Merriam-Webster lexicographers *Eighteen chapters and corresponding themes include a wide variety of fields: astronomy, the earth, human beings, the animal kingdom, plants and gardening, house and do-it-yourself, food, arts and architecture, clothing, science and energy, sports and games, and much more *Perfect for work, school, self-study, research, or simple browsing
당일배송오늘(3/26,수) 도착
출고예정- 6Merriam Webster · Merriam Webster · 1992.01.01
Master the subtleties of language with the Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. This useful reference goes beyond a thesaurus, explaining the fine shades of meaning that differentiate synonyms. Alphabetical arrangement of terms makes words easy to find. This book gives clear explanations of the distinctions between synonyms. It also includes example phrases and a list of antonyms at most entries.
당일배송오늘(3/26,수) 도착