Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
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저자(글) Yalom, Irvin D.
1931년 미국 Washington DC 출생. 미국 스탠포드의과대학의 정신의학과 명예교수이며, 심리치료 분야에서 세계적인 권위를 인정받고 있는 정신과 의사이다. 또한 '니체가 눈물을 흘릴 때', '긴 의자에 누워 Lying on the Couch', '쇼펜하우어의 치료 The Schopenhauer Cure' 등의 소설을 쓴 베스트셀러 작가이기도 하다. 이 책들은 모두 세계 20여 개국에서 번역 출간되었으며, 특히 '니체가 눈물을 흘릴 때'는 1992년에 출간된 이후 장기 베스트셀러로서 꾸준한 인기를 얻고 있다. 또한 1980년과 1985년에 각각 쓴 '실존심리치료 Existential Psychotherapy', '집단정신치료의 이론과 실제 The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy'는 세계 각국에서 심리치료의 교재로 널리 채택되고 있다. 그 밖의 저서에 실제 심리치료 사례를 모아놓은 '나는 사랑의 처형자가 되기 싫다 Love's Executioner'와 주요 작품 모음집인 '얄롬을 읽는다 The Yalom Reader'가 있다. 어빈 얄롬은 제1차 세계대전 직전에 러시아의 작은 마을에서 미국의 워싱턴DC로 이주를 한 부모님에게서 태어났다. 식료품점을 운영하는 부모님과 함께 어린 시절부터 가난하게 생활한 탓에 책 한 권 사서 읽기 어려운 형편이었던 그는 도서관에서 많은 시간을 보내며 닥치는 대로 독서를 했다. 하지만 그 중에서도 특히 소설을 좋아했고, 소설을 통해 많은 지혜를 얻었다. 그리고 소설을 쓰는 일이 인간이 할 수 있는 가장 섬세한 작업이라는 생각을 하게 되었다.
Preface to the Fifth Edition xi
Acknowledgments xix
1 The Therapeutic Factors 1(18)
Instillation of Hope, 4(2)
Universality, 6(2)
Imparting Information, 8(5)
Altruism, 13(2)
The Corrective Recapitulation of the Primary Family Group, 15(1)
Development of Socializing Techniques, 16(1)
Imitative Behavior, 17(2)
2 Interpersonal Learning 19(34)
The Importance of Interpersonal Relationships, 19(8)
The Corrective-Emotional Experience, 27(4)
The Group as Social Microcosm, 31(10)
The Social Microcosm: A Dynamic Interaction, 41(3)
Recognition of Behavioral Patterns in the Social Microcosm, 44(2)
The Social Microcosm Is It Real? 46(1)
Overview, 47(2)
Transference and Insight, 49(4)
3 Group Cohesiveness 53(24)
The Importance of Group Cohesiveness, 56(6)
Mechanism of Action, 62(13)
Summary, 75(2)
4 The Therapeutic Factors: An Integration 77(40)
Comparative Value of the Therapeutic Factors: The Client's View, 80(26)
Comparative Value of the Therapeutic Factors: Differences Between Clients' and Therapists' Views, 106(2)
Therapeutic Factors: Modifying Forces, 108(9)
5 The Therapist: Basic Tasks 117(24)
Creation and Maintenance of the Group, 118(2)
Culture Building, 120(3)
How Does the Leader Shape Norms? 123(6)
Examples of Therapeutic Group Norms, 129(12)
6 The Therapist: Working in the Here-and-Now 141(60)
Definition of Process, 143(7)
Process Focus: The Power Source of the Group, 150(2)
The Therapist's Tasks in the Here-and-Now, 152(5)
Techniques of Here-and-Now Activation, 157(8)
Techniques of Process Illumination, 165(10)
Helping Clients Assume a Process Orientation, 175(1)
Helping Clients Accept Process-Illuminating Comments, 176(2)
Process Commentary: A Theoretical Overview, 178(10)
The Use of the Past, 188(4)
Group-as-a-Whole Process Commentary, 192(9)
7 The Therapist: Transference and Transparency 201(30)
Transference in the Therapy Group, 205(10)
The Psychotherapist and Transparency, 215(16)
8 The Selection of Clients 231(28)
Criteria for Exclusion, 233(15)
Criteria for Inclusion, 248(5)
An Overview of the Selection Procedure, 253(3)
Summary, 256(3)
9 The Composition of Therapy Groups 259(22)
The Prediction of Group Behavior, 260(10)
Principles of Group Composition, 270(6)
Overview, 276(3)
A Final Caveat, 279(2)
10 Creation of the Group: Place, Time, Size, Preparation 281(28)
Preliminary Considerations, 281(2)
Duration and Frequency of Meetings, 283(4)
Brief Group Therapy, 287(7)
Preparation for Group Therapy, 294(15)
11 In the Beginning 309(36)
Formative Stages of the Group, 309(12)
The Impact of Clients on Group Development, 321(3)
Membership Problems, 324(21)
12 The Advanced Group 345(46)
Subgrouping, 345(18)
Conflict in the Therapy Group, 363(11)
Self-Disclosure, 374(8)
Termination, 382(9)
13 Problem Group Members 391(38)
The Monopolist, 391(6)
The Silent Client, 397(3)
The Boring Client, 400(2)
The Help-Rejecting Complainer, 402(3)
The Psychotic or Bipolar Client, 405(7)
The Characterologically Difficult Client, 412(17)
14 The Therapist: Specialized Formats and Procedural Aids 429(46)
Concurrent Individual and Group Therapy, 429(11)
Combining Group Therapy and Twelve-Step Groups, 440(3)
Co-Therapists, 443(5)
The Leaderless Meeting, 448(2)
Dreams, 450(3)
Audiovisual Technology, 453(3)
Written Summaries, 456(12)
Group Therapy Record Keeping, 468(1)
Structured Exercises, 469(6)
15 Specialized Therapy Groups 475(50)
Modification of Traditional Group Therapy for Specialized Clinical Situations: Basic Steps, 476(5)
The Acute Inpatient Therapy Group, 481(25)
Groups for the Medically Ill, 506(6)
Adaptation of CBT and IPT to Group Therapy, 512(6)
Self-Help Groups and Internet Support Groups, 518(7)
16 Group Therapy: Ancestors and Cousins 525(18)
What Is an Encounter Group? 526(1)
Antecedents and Evolution of the Encounter Group, 526(4)
Group Therapy for Normals, 530(2)
The Effectiveness of the Encounter Group, 532(6)
The Relationship Between the Encounter Group and the Therapy Group, 538(5)
17 Training the Group Therapist 543(24)
Observation of Experienced Clinicians, 545(3)
Supervision, 548(5)
A Group Experience for Trainees, 553(5)
Personal Psychotherapy, 558(3)
Summary, 561(1)
Beyond Technique, 562(5)
Appendix: Information and Guidelines for Participation in Group Therapy 567(6)
Notes 573(78)
Index 651
ISBN | 9780465092840 ( 0465092845 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2005년 07월 01일 |
쪽수 | 668쪽 |
언어 | 영어 |
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