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The Egyptian Book of the Dead

Reprint | Paperback
Chronicle Books (CA) · 2008년 06월 02일
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Carol Andrews is a former curator of the Deapartment of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum. James Wasserman is an author and book designer whose innovative vision shaped this unique book. Dr. Ogden Goelet is a professor of Egyptian Language and Culture at New York University. Dr. Raymond Faulkner (1894-1982) was a renowned British Egyptologist, the translator of many key Egyptological texts, and author of numerous scholarly publications.
This reissue of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a perennial favorite, features a newly designed cover. Inside, the legendary 3,500-year-old Papyrus of Ani--the most beautiful of the ornately illustrated Egyptian funerary scrolls ever discovered--is restored in its original sequences of text and artwork. Four exquisitely illustrated gatefold spreads and an acclaimed translation by two noted Egyptologists showcase the Papyrus's elaborately bordered images and convey its intended sense of motion and meaning.
For millennia, the culture and philosophy of the ancient Egyptians have fascinated artists, historians, and spiritual seekers throughout the world. Now, this reissue of a Chronicle Books classic brings to light once more the legendary 3,500-year-old Papyrus of Ani-the most beautiful of the Egyptian funerary scrolls ever discovered. Restored to its original sequences, the elaborately bordered papyrus conveys its intended sense of motion and meaning in a way no other book on the subject can match. From mysticism and philosophy to anthropology and astronomy, this sumptuous volume will appeal to casual readers, serious scholars, and the generally inquisitive mind. The translation of the text of each image is placed on the page directly below the image, allowing the reader, for the first time in 3500 years, to gaze on the images while reading the words of the papyrus. Uncluttered with footnotes or other extraneous matter, the papyrus is displayed with the intent of allowing the modern reader to experience the full depth of the original. The restoration of the unity of word and image in this publication of the Papyrus of Ani has brought to life one of the most important early spiritual treasures of mankind.
For millennia, the culture and philosophy of the ancient Egyptians have fascinated artists, historians, and spiritual seekers throughout the world. This reissue of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a perennial favourite, features a newly designed cover. Inside, the legendary 3,500-year-old Papyrus of Ani-the most beautiful of the ornately illustrated Egyptian funerary scrolls ever discovered-is restored in its original sequences of text and artwork. Four exquisitely illustrated gatefold spreads and an acclaimed translation by two noted Egyptologists showcase the Papyrus's elaborately bordered images and convey its intended sense of motion and meaning. For scholars and enthusiasts interested in a wide range of topics-from mysticism and philosophy to anthropology and astronomy-this sumptuous and accessible new edition will be an essential acquisition.
This reissue of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a perennial favourite, features a newly designed cover. Inside, the legendary 3,500-year-old Papyrus of Ani-the most beautiful of the ornately illustrated Egyptian funerary scrolls ever discovered-is restored in its original sequences of text and artwork. Four exquisitely illustrated gatefold spreads and an acclaimed translation by two noted Egyptologists showcase the Papyrus's elaborately bordered images and convey its intended sense of motion and meaning.
LIBRARY JOURNAL The Book of the Dead is a collection of writings that were placed in tombs as a means of guiding the ancient Egyptian soul on its journey to the afterlife. The Papyrus of Ani, which is reproduced here, is one of the most important and beautiful of the surviving papyri. Damage in the 19th century seriously confused its sequencing and the relationship between text and illustrations. Here for the first time the scroll is presented in its proper sequence and in its entirety. The English text is placed immediately underneath the corresponding hieroglyphs, and the reproductions are faithful to the originals in all their glowing color. A critical purchase for any serious collection of materials on ancient Egypt.
NAPRA TRADE JOURNAL This magnificent book is the first complete presentation of the Papyrus of Ani, featuring graphics that reveal beautifully the texture of the original papyrus, coupled with the translated text. The original papyrus, on its discovery, was cut into sections for transport. The careless cutting of uneducated workers left the manuscript almost indecipherable, and to date only sections of it have been made available to the public. Computer imaging allowed the papyrus to be pieced into its original state, and a faithful translation was then possible. This document is precious not only for its historic significance, but also for its glimpse into the ancient Egyptian religion and its teachings about the passage from life to death. Commentaries and other notes make this work even more accessible. A spectacularly beautiful work of devotion.
PUBLISHERS WEEKLY The Papyrus of Ani -- The Book of Going Forth by Day, created around 1250 B.C.E., is the best surviving example of some 200 texts comprising the funerary scrolls that accompanied deceased Egyptians into the afterlife. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day presents the complete papyrus, photographed from an 1890 facsimile edition, with an English translation by the late Raymond O. Faulkner.
ROBERT S. BIANCHI, ARCHAEOLOGY The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a remarkable volume. It is based on the Papyrus of Ani, which, with the exception of the Rosetta Stone, is the most famous Egyptian object in the collections of the British Museum. Its fame is due in no small part to the quality of the illustrated vignettes that rank among the masterpieces of ancient Egyptian painting. . . I, for one, would hope that readers will henceforth refrain from relying on Budge\'s outdated editions and turn to this volume instead. The price, under $25 dollars paperback; the quality of the large-format plates, several of which include foldouts; the authoritative translation based on that of R.O. Faulkner, which is considered in the opinion of many experts to be one of the best translations, and commentary by Ogden Goelet make this book a must for all libraries.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780811864893 ( 0811864898 )
발행(출시)일자 2008년 06월 02일
쪽수 175쪽
239 * 354 * 13 mm / 1070 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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